April 20, 2011


dating: defined by massive usage of cologne and awkward sweaty hand holding

this is for all those who iv preached to about the differences in dating culture between New Zealand and America..finally i have something/someone to confirm what i say..
alwayssometimesanytime, a NZ blog i follow, posted a opinion piece today on the top five dating deal breakers..i must quote when they say "dating culture is fairly non-existent in New Zealand and mainly consists of inebriated take homes and next day guilt sessions"..i admit, this is how it was always (and still is) done..the world of dinner and coffee dates, where you play the 'get to know each other' cards just don't happen..we tend to skip that part..instead filing through blurs of memory to try come up with a name for that guy thats spotted doing the walk of shame from your flat the next morning...

this article is a good laugh, guys just a heads up..a common theme popped up..DON'T wear 3/4 pants, roll your jeans up too high or wear anything that resembles cargo pants..instant fail."Opening car doors, pulling out chairs? No thanks, i have arms" ..take note.
if you need a few smiles today have a read of the witty article..you'll definitely get a few giggles..and you may even pick up some tips ;)

have a listen, grab a beer and enjoy your night!
Radiohead - True Love Waits

the count down is on...two weeks til summer break xx

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