February 22, 2011

8 days/18 months

coffee drinkers fall into four categories:

  • the social drinker (these are the ones who don't really enjoy it all that much, but jump on the bandwagon so they can go on coffee dates catch all the gossip)
  • the occasional drinker (these are the ones who only drink it when they feel its necessary or when they have a craving to satisfy)
  • the regular drinker (these are the ones who enjoy a mug or two each day..but are quite happy to go a day without if circumstances prevent it)
  • the coffee-holic (these are the one's that have the coffee machine set so the coffee is drip-dripping away when they wake up..the ones that will drive 4 miles out of the way to find a good coffee shop..those that rely on their coffee fix to get through the day..you know who im talking about!)

today is the first day i have drunken a cup of coffee in 8 DAYS!!this must be the longest 'no coffee' streak in a long time..not only is me not drinking coffee for 8 days surprising..but its also surprising that i haven't even wanted to!i haven't felt drowsy and i haven't craved the taste..actually its been the complete opposite..the thought of it made my tummy squirm (i know being sick is to blame for this)..but i think that its been a good thing..iv re-assessed how much i was drinking, realized i don't really need that much..and made a new resolution..

til this day...i think i was on the verge of category four...after today...im committing to category two (but maybe three is more realistic!??)

..a nice vanilla soy latte..and my the first sip of coffee in 8 days..mmmmm

today i also found this hiding...nothing beats freshly cracked pepper..you could say its a necessity on every meal..but due to my stubbornness..i have refused to buy one..and have suffered without since i moved to the states...thats 18 MONTHS!!
..little did i know iv actually had one all along!!

the pepper grinder in all its glory

...freshly cracked!!

no better way to finish off a great day than this gorgeous sunset i watched from my balcony (no coffee in hand...yet a glass of red instead :)

enjoy xx

February 18, 2011

one step back

with some much needed alone time the last few days it gave me a chance to stand back and and look at the big picture..

i got sick because something in my life was out of balance..things just weren't ticking along as usual..
getting so caught up in life i didnt even stop to figure out why..until i had to!this week has forced me to slow down, find that inner peace and get back to being me!

"One manages it by climbing a ladder, which is to say by seeing things from a higher vantage point. When you do that, events that formerly seemed huge (because they're close) take their place in a deeper landscape and no longer stand out with the same prominence as before".
-Daniel Quinn, The Story Of B

today i was off campus enjoying some sunshine and came across an old building that caught my eye..reminding me of some art work i was working on several years ago in New Zealand...

..and thus the inspiration for some sketching i plan to start this next week.

February 16, 2011

what to do with daylight

nothing like a bit of sunshine to boost my immune system ..that and a trip to wholefoods to stock up on remedies for my body...it was a great excuse to get out of the house after a day on the couch yesterday!

a few of the goodies i picked up...

...and a spoon full of garlic and honey

down time on the deck in the sun

hope you all had an amazing day too and got to enjoy the gorgeous weather!

February 15, 2011

the take over

nothing like a few sick days to catch up on my blogging..
yesterday i discovered a new blog fresh out of New Zealand called always-sometimes-anytime!i have been looking over some of the posts the last few days and getting some inspiration for some spring outfits to go with the spring weather that we finally have! hopefully its goodbye to snow storms and blizzards for another year!
the anytime section of the site shows photo shoots from various designers and photographers!

these are some photos from a shoot named a room of one's own
it refers to an essay by Virginia Woolf regarding why women lacked creativity in her time
it brings up an interesting point..we all need our own space..the best way to explore yourself is being alone with yourself..with room and time to think.

this post was fitting in the respect that recently i have been thinking a lot about how technology is taking us over.
one particular incident that came to mind how facebook is replacing other means of communication..after an extraordinarily race by one of my team mates this weekend we all made our way back to the hotel to try and get some sleep before the next day of racing!despite all staying within a few doors of him, all having his cellphone number, and all having seen him after the race to congratulate him in person..some still found it necessary to post congratulations to him via facebook!?!its sad that normal communication chanels are being over ridden by technology..that we no longer get to see the emotions that go along with the words "congratulations"..for a moment i decided deleting my facebook account was in due order..then thought how will i keep in contact with all those friends in other parts of the world!?seems i too have let technology take me over..
in saying that, im going to go hand write a letter home..

for today...take time out to be by yourself and do your own thing
for me, this means getting this body of mine healthy again...

step 1: open all windows to let in the fresh air and sunshine
step 2: blend up a heap of nutritious foods and slurp them down (feels so much easier to drink rather than eat when your sick right!?!)
step 3: go for a barefoot walk in the beautiful warm weather
step 4: rest 

banana, vanilla yoghurt, soy milk, oats, chia seeds...

...blueberries and more yoghurt...blended up

essential peanut butter on top :)

February 10, 2011

momentarily conformed

six months ago i made a pact with myself and katie that i would no longer roll out of bed into a pair of trackies to go to class..why have a wardrobe full of cute outfits and never wear them..?so every day i have stayed true to that pact..and have been loving wearing and buying new items to add to my growing collection..
then two days ago..i just had no option..i swear..there was another blizzard and due to already missing a week of school, they were determined that no matter what..we WOULD have class!with -11 farenheit wind chill..snow in my face..and another 6 inches of snow on top of what was already there..there was NO way i was going to squeeze into a pair of jeans or brave tights and a skirt..

one: my boots and shoes are not equipped to deal with treaking through snow 
two: i would freeze to death

and hence i put on trainers and massive grey sweats and joined the fashion trend the Tulsa school community appears to abide by..this will be the only time for a long while.i promise :)

i learnt this one from a well trained Canadian friend..nothings worse than soggy socks huh!

dressed to brave the elements..it was off to class..

this has to be one of the sickest songs which is rocking my world at the moment..thanks to pj :)